Finals Week Prep
This week is moving by fast as finals are just around the corner! With finals you must plan accordingly on what you need to study, and when. By planning your work schedule ahead this takes the stress off of finals week. Here are some helping tips to make your last week of spring semester 2018 that much easier!
1. Make A Plan
- Some professors provide a detailed plan for your final few weeks of college, but not all professors have the time to do his for you. By creating an outline for your last few weeks it will be a helpful tool.
2. Start Early
- Be ahead of schedule, give yourself plenty of time to get assignments completed, so you will never be needing that late night cramming session.
3. Organize Study Group Sessions
- Plan a group time with some friends to make studying for finals a bit better! There are plenty of places on and off campus for you and your friends to find peace and quiet for some solid studying.
4. Take Breaks and Stay Well Rested
- Make sure you give your brain a body good rest periods. By cramming too much information too fast, you won't gain as much from the studying time. Stay well rested to make sure you aren't tired for your exams.
5. Make it Fun!
- Quiz yourself, acronyms, create a game plan. Even for motivation arrange a type of reward for yourself once you have completed your exams, for example a movie, or a nice lunch on the town!
Studying does not have to be something we find difficult, we have to put in the effort to get something positive out of it!